Treatment Under Sedation
Treatment Under Sedation
Modern dental medicine is pain-free. We implement successful treatment eliminating the fear and discomfort that are often associated with dental visits.
For patients who are afraid and have unpleasant memories from previous dental procedures, we may consider dental treatment by sedation. It is an efficient way to take care of our patients’ health without causing psychological and emotional trauma to them.
Sedation is a prescribed medical procedure and involves the application of sedatives, most often to facilitate the following medical procedures under local anaesthesia. It is performed by an anaesthesiologist after a detailed preliminary anamnesis.
Dental treatment under sedation provides you with:
- Maximum comfort.
- You don’t remember the procedures. The medicines cause partial or full amnesia from the moment of their application until they have been stopped.
- It saves time as usually more manipulations are performed in one visit.
Intravenous sedation is not appropriate for:
- Pregnant women
- People with allergy to benzodiazepines, or with long-term intake of benzodiazepines
- People with alcohol intoxication
- People with some forms of depression
There are different levels of sedation but dental medicine uses moderate or deep. Under moderate sedation patients are in a state of blurred consciousness. They can hear, talk, and follow instructions but after that they remember nothing. Under deep sedation the patients are unconscious.
It takes different patients different periods of time to recover from sedation. Some feel adequate immediately after the medicines have been stopped. It is recommended that you rest and not drive after sedation. You should take more liquids.