Oral Surgery
Oral Surgery
Wisdom teeth are the last ones to erupt. They do so at the onset of puberty or in the early twenties. By that time, the rest of the teeth have already taken their place, and there is no free space for the wisdom teeth.
Oftentimes, wisdom teeth remain impacted in the bone or erupt partially but in the wrong position. This leads to the compression of teeth in the jaw, cavities of the adjacent tooth, or inflammation of the tissue around the wisdom tooth and the seventh tooth. The surgical extraction of those teeth is recommended when the patient asks for orthodontic treatment, or already has inflammation symptoms around the adjacent tooth (reddening of the gum covering the eighth tooth, bad breath, and pocket formation). This manipulation is carried out under local anaesthesia. Thanks to piezosurgery, perfect precision can be achieved and maximum patient safety can be ensured, while postoperative discomfort and pain are reduced to a minimum.
A cyst is a formation which has its own epithelial cover and is full of fluid. It grows mainly as a result of increasing internal pressure which pushes out the surrounding tissue. There two types of cysts: affecting either jaws bones, or soft tissue. One of the most common types of cyst is the radicular cyst (which arises and develops around the root of the tooth). Oftentimes, there are no symptoms at the beginning. Radicular cysts form around the apex (tip) of the root of the tooth, usually as a result of infection, and they are a stage in the development and growth of the cystic granuloma. The cyst is removed together with the last third of the root. This manipulation is called apical osteotomy, and is meant to preserve the tooth despite the advanced cyst. However, the tooth often has to be extracted in case of a cyst.
Whitish spots, reddening, erosions on the oral mucosa, or knots of various size and shape can often be found on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. After a detailed examination by an oral surgeon, tests are made, final diagnosis is determined and treatment is prescribed.
This manipulation is necessary in cases of: tooth fracture, root perforation and impossibility to fill the perforation with material, orthodontic treatment, increased mobility and absence of bone around the tooth, tooth overgrowth.
This procedure is applied when the patient has a swelling of the soft tissue as a result of a suppurative inflammatory process around one or several teeth.
Cortical surgery is primarily applied in cases of adults who are undergoing orthodontic treatment. This is a surgical manipulation in which small holes are drilled in the bone of the upper and lower jaws.
The bone does not have the same structure everywhere. There are two types of bone tissue:
- Compact bone consisting of the outermost layer (corticalis)
- Cancellous (also known as spongy or trabecular bone) consisting of small cavities that contain red marrow and are separated from one another with trabeculae
Teeth stability and difficulties with mobility during orthodontic treatment are primarily due to the corticalis. Thanks to this surgical manipulation, the resistance that the corticalis exerts on the teeth is reduced.
The combination of this method with an orthodontic treatment achieves:
- Substantial reduction in treatment time
- Selective intensive shifting of some teeth
- More stability once the orthodontic treatment is completed